06 January 2021

Oh What a Miracle! – Song by Henrietta Decruz


If you are going through a hard time in your life right now, here's a song to encourage you. 

This song brings out the stories of Lazarus, Joseph and Mephibosheth to show how the Lord in His faithfulness brought them out of impossible situations that they found themselves in. 

If you are faced with an impossible situation, let me remind you He is a God Who changes not! 

Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is [eternally changeless, always] the same yesterday and today and forever."     

You can listen to the song at this link - 

Here are the lyrics of the song: 

Oh What a Miracle! – Song by Henrietta Decruz


They left me for dead in a tomb four days,
Thinking my life was over
Then my Lord came wept for me
And called out my name and said, ‘Come out Lazarus!’


Oh What a miracle Jesus did for me,

I have no words to thank Him

He set me free

He gave me life

No other can be

What Jesus is to me!

They threw me in a pit sold me for a slave

Thinking my life was over
And my Lord was with me even in prison
He brought me out and made me powerful.


She dropped me as a child I lost my true form

I thought my life was over
Then my Lord sent David to help me
He gave me all I needed.


Have you been written off struggling in a dark place

Thinking your life is over
Just look up to Jesus for He has the power
To change your whole life and set you free
Look up to Jesus He has the power
To change your whole life and set you free


No other can be

What my Jesus is to me!


Written, composed and sung by Henrietta Decruz - Copyright 2021





Embrace the Lesson – Prepare for a New Season


"If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small." Proverbs 24:10

2020 came with a lot of promise and brought a lot of disappointment and unexpected adversity with it. It was a time that tested everyone’s faith. Those who kept their eyes on the Lord overcame the adversity and learned some lessons that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Some even finished their race on earth during this time and met their heavenly Father.

Though we faced something unexpected, the Sovereign Lord God knew what He was doing. Nothing in this universe happens without His knowledge or permission. Job 37:7 says, “God seals up (stops, brings to a standstill by severe weather) the hand of every man [and now under His seal their hands are forced to inactivity], that all men whom He has made may know His doings (His sovereign power and their subjection to it).”

At a time when most of mankind had turned to a godless lifestyle, many were looking at celebrities and individuals as ‘gods’ due to their fame, fortune, wealth or power, the Lord God decided to intervene and allow a ‘stop’ so we could ‘rethink’ things for ourselves. Rethink we all did, our priorities, our values and our future plans. National leaders had to rethink about their governance and change their plans to include providing food and supplies to the poor, needy and those in difficult situations, something they hadn’t done in decades.

What have we learned?

Being in lockdown gave us the opportunity to look at our lives and search for where we truly stand with God. Many of us had to trust God for provision as the dependable means of income fell apart and became undependable.

Most of us had to trust God every single day to be safe from the Covid virus. Some even had to pray for recovery from the virus. The fact that we are all alive and around to see another year is a definite blessing from God. He ordained that we should live another day, another month, another year. Many yearned and dreamed of it but couldn’t see the end of 2020.

Click here to read the rest of the article...

How are you feeling after 2020?

Wake Up, You Children of God!

Do you feel that only the pastors, evangelists and preachers were 'chosen' to do 'God's work' and not you? Do you you think you have no value and worth? It is time to change your thinking.

Do you have a calling on your life? Do you think that God has not chosen you to do something important for His kingdom on earth? Many people think that they are not important to God, or that they aren’t important enough for God to give them something to do for His kingdom. They feel that only the pastors, evangelists and preachers were ‘chosen’ to do ‘God’s work’ and not them. Though the Lord God Himself doesn’t disapprove them in anyway, they themselves disapprove and reject themselves from doing anything for God by thinking they are worthless or of no consequence.

If that is you, then this message is specifically for you.

Read the rest of this article at this link... 

You are very precious to God!