My life has come
full circle
I started out with
many minuses
There were many
tearful years
But everything
turned out beautifully for me
The negatives were
dealt with
The positives I
held on to
Became lifesavers…
I am not saying I’m
a hero
I am not saying I
did it all by myself
I am not saying
that life is a bed of roses
But I am saying
that my life turned around!
My sadness and
sorrow was turned to joy!
From living in
despair not knowing my future
I have become a
person who is happy and content.
There was a time I
stood at the brink
Not wanting to
Not having a
reason to live
There wasn’t a
soul who knew of my predicament
No human soul…
But the God Who
created me…
He knew and held
on to me.
I cannot but stand
in awe that…
This great God Who
holds the universe in His hands
Should care so
much for one tiny little soul
Like me.
Why would He stoop
so low to touch the ground
Just to comfort
one hurting soul,
One girl no one
else wanted.
Yes there He was
day after day,
Night after night…
without fail
Patiently bearing
with my unbelief
Waiting for me to
look to Him with faith.
It took Him years
but He got my attention
When it dawned on
That I had been saved
in every way possible.
Today I know that
no matter what
My God is for me,
He is with me and will never leave me!
I can vouch that
even in troubled times
He will always be
by my side…
My biggest
encourager, support, teacher and guide
My most gracious provider
and protector
He even fights my
battles for me!
Today I have no
That anyone
anywhere can make it
If they just give
Him one chance
To touch their
The ever-loving
hands of the great ‘I AM’
Are ever reaching
down to hold a soul
To touch, to
comfort, to fill their every need.
This great Creator
didn’t stay in a heavenly mansion
Cut off from the
pains we endure as humans
Jesus instead
chose to become man,
Live a life like
us and become a sacrifice
So we wouldn’t have
to suffer ‘forever’.
His love for each
soul compelled Him
To make the
supreme sacrifice… So great is His
If you have doubts
or fears
If your eyes are
full of tears
If you have no
source of joy or supply
Try Him! He won’t
let you down
If friends and
family have abandoned you
In your most dire
Call Him! He will
be there for you!
~ Henrietta Decruz