Girl in the sun - image from
Welcome to Henrietta's Blog!
Thank you for using your precious time to visit my blog! I am happy our paths have crossed on the Internet and you have connected with something related to me somehow.
I want to affirm that you are valuable and precious! I may not know you personally or be connected to you in the physical world but I do know that we were created by the same Creator! We belong to the same 'human' family and have the same value as persons. You are unique and special even if for any reason you are not able to see or understand your uniqueness at this point in your life.
I hope that what read in my writings and blogs or listen to through any of my songs is meaningful to you. I do not want to ask you to like or follow anything I am doing unless you personally feel like doing it. I am not writing articles to be liked by the whole world or anyone in particular. I believe there is meaning and purpose in everything we do. I hope to be of some use to someone who is searching for meaning and truth.
Each of us in a different place in the journey of our life. I remember how much I have learned through various stages in my life. There were times when I felt I couldn't make it through life. There were also times when I felt I couldn't take it any more. Today I am happy to say that I got through those times and came on the other side.
Though it was very tough, I got through the hard times, the sorrowful times, the times when the losses were all piled up like a mountain and it seemed useless to even try. The reason I am saying this is so that you take heart and don't give up, no matter how hard the situation looks like at your end. You will definitely make it through!
You will find a lot of my blogs speaking about pain, loss, sorrow, grief, rejection, loneliness and despair. It is because I have walked through those roads in my life. I have also learned the value of simple joys, little pleasures, the treasure of having a good friend and understanding that everyone loves us in different ways!
We don't always receive 'love' the way we expect. Some people like to give us 'tough love' while others may abandon us because they think we are being too 'needy.' I now know that they do us a favor since each of us needs to learn to stand on our own feet without leaning much on someone else.
The truth is each of us is born 'alone', even twins or those among quadruplets or sextuplets have to learn to live life on their own. No one else can live life for them. So we learn lessons from life, we learn who we are... fulfill our time on earth and some day it will be our turn to die and leave this world.
We have a choice how we want to live this time between being born and leaving this earth. When we are children our choices are limited, but after a point, we do have a choice, we can learn from our own mistakes and good experiences. We can also learn from the mistakes and experiences of others. I like to call myself a 'learner for life.' If I live very long to be a great grandmother, I suppose I will still be trying to learn how to play with and engage with my great grandchildren! There will always be something to learn. We need to keep our minds open.
"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open."
Thomas Dewar
It is quite possible that your life has taken you through a very different road than mine. It is possible that your beliefs and way of looking at things are very different or even opposite to mine. It is understandable and okay.
I began my life with very different views than those I have now. In fact, there was a time I had got so angry with God that I left Him! I was born in a Christian family. A bad experience I had made me angry enough to not go to church altogether. Some years later, again in a crisis of faith after a lot of suffering, I checked out and read books about other religions. I didn't find the answers I needed. Over the years I learned or rather life taught me the truth about things which gradually led me to change the way I perceived things. Some life lessons I learned remained and became the 'tried and tested' truth. In time these got promoted to the place of becoming a principle in my life.
We are not made of iron so the truth is we can change. No one can force us to belief anything against our will. No one should force anyone for anything. I say that because God, the Creator who created us gave us freewill and gave us the power to choose. He could have made us His puppets but didn't. If He being Creator can allow us choice, we should also allow others to make their own choice.
We also need to brace ourselves for the fact that there will be times when someone will make a choice that looks wrong to us. We may have to watch them bear the consequences of their choice helplessly... especially when we care for them. That is the power of choice. It can make you or break you. I made some very bad choices early in life and got burnt. Thus I learned that some choices can sting really bad so we need to take time to decide what we choose.
I hope and pray that you learn from your own life lessons, experiences and use all other means available to grow and be the best person you can be!
There is no other person exactly like you in the whole world.
Even if someone has similar features, their life experiences, skills, abilities, talents and dreams or temperament will be different. You know that you have a thumb print, one that is unique and one of a kind in the whole world. Even your eyes, the reason a retinal scan is used as a biometric technique is because of how unique they are! Don't allow anyone to make you a copy of someone else... because you are meant to be 'You' and that is the only way to find your 'true self' and your heart's peace and satisfaction.
Use your mind, think, understand and learn to love yourself by protecting yourself from things that snuff out your spirit, your joy and rob you of your peace.
There are times when I am grateful that I did not get the things I wanted the most at some point in my life. The reason is that I realized in hindsight that it was not good for me. Some of the things I had wanted so much would have messed me up a lot had I received them then. It is good to make peace with your life and find out what really adds meaning to your life and your 'true' self.
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'Transformed by the Spirit' by Meghan Williams from |
Take care! These are tough times.
The treasure you seek, the most valuable thing of in the whole world is inside you. It is not outside you. Someone else cannot give it to you. It is not a thing that you can possess, win or earn. You are the real treasure. Please don't treat yourself as 'nothing' or 'trash.' If someone has rejected you or treated you badly, don't believe what they said... they have no idea of who you really are.
There is only one person who really really knows you and that is God, your Creator and heavenly Father. He loves you no matter how much of a mess you might be in. He asked Jesus to leave the real and 'perfect' heaven and come down to earth as a man just so that you and me and all of us, His children can be reunited with Him and spend forever together. (Yes there is a 'forever') God gave us the choice to choose Him too, because His desire was that we should want to be with Him, and not because we were forced to.
If you do not know God, let me tell you He values you and waits for you... no matter how terrible or impossible or unpleasant your situation in life may look like, He loves you! No matter what you have done, God forgave even the most hardened criminals and gave them a new life when they turned to Him. It doesn't matter what you have believed about Him or spoken about Him in private or public, He is ever willing to forgive and let it go if you open your heart to Him so He can engage with you in a real and true sense.
God is a Person. He doesn't apply a formula for everything. Though there are general laws and principles for everything, He is a God who loves to relate to each of His children in a personal way. So the way He speaks to someone else may be different from the way He will speak to you. The best part is you will know it in your heart when He touches your life. It is the most exciting and wonderful thing to happen to a person. I hope you have your own experience with Him too!
If you already know the heavenly Father and are learning more about Him and His truth, don't ever stop! Ask Him to speak to you, to teach you about Him. He loves it when His children are hungry for the truth! Please don't allow human standards, interpretations and meanings to rob you of the 'full' and complete truth that only He can teach you. It was He Who led the prophets to write what they wrote. He is the best Teacher to teach you His Word.
I wish you the very best in life! Have a wonderful day or night depending on which time zone you are in.
God bless you!
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