22 May 2020

Come Back - The Father's Cry - A song

It is easy to hate God in a world that detests Him and believes what they want to about Him. I remember years ago when I was hurt about something I got angry with God and went away from Him. I just stopped going to church for some time and it took me a long time of suffering after that to turn back and seek Him. In fact, I hadn't even remembered that I had pushed God away until a prayer warrior reminded this fact. It was then that she led me to pray and ask Him back into my life and my life has never been the same since that time. 'Come Back - the Father's Cry' is a song that was born after I understood how much God the Father really loved me and the grief and pain I had cause Him when I was away from Him. He is the same Father in the story of the Prodigal Son and we are His prodigal children. This song is His love put into words... Even as I wrote it, it was overwhelming... and it has been intense as I sang it too. I am presenting it in its raw form as I would rather let the Father Himself do what He wants with this song which carries His heart and His love. The lyrics of this song are as follows: Come Back - The Father's Cry Chorus: Come back to Me, My child Come back to Me I've been waiting... For an eternity. I've seen you in your heartache I've seen all the tears you cried While you wandered away from Me Listening to those who lied.

Chorus I have a world of love I have the best for you Waiting for you to come Waiting for only you.

Chorus Don't mind the things you've done Don't fret for what you've lost I'm here to take you back Jesus has paid the cost.

Chorus Lyrics and song composition by Henrietta Decruz (Copyright 2020) Published on 22nd May 2020
If you know someone who has gone away from the Father, please share this song with them.

~ Henrietta

God has a plan for me - a Song

When you are going through tough times, it is very important to have a positive outlook and hope so you can overcome every problem. A person who doesn't have hope is one of the poorest persons in the world. The truth is if we have faith in God, we will always have hope, for He is always near those children who trust in Him! 'God has a plan for me' is a song that expresses trust and faith in God and reminds us that though tough times come, it is a passing phase and God will get us through the difficult time. Here are the lyrics of this song: God has a plan for me Chorus:
God has a plan for me I can see His love is in everything He does for me - 2 It may not be a sunny day It may not be a rosy way But I know that the Father's love is true And I know He an make all things new.

Chorus Though disappointments dot my way Though many people may turn away But I know this is a passing phase He will fill me with His love and grace.

Chorus So I will keep looking at my Lord So I will keep singing praise to God For only Jesus can bring me victory For only God knows the end of my story.

Chorus. Lyrics and song composition by Henrietta Decruz ('Copyright 2020) Published on 22nd May 2020

A Father's Love - a song by Henrietta Decruz

We all go through difficult times in our lives. During those times, we tend to think that God is far away from us. I have personally been through such trying times and as I got to know the Lord God better, I understood that during the hardest of times when I could not take care of myself, He was there with me! This song puts into words the way in which I could feel the Father's love for me. The lyrics of the song are as follows:

A Father's Love I was sad and crying But my Lord didn't leave me dying He comforted me with His love. Chorus:
He said, "Child, don't you fear! Your Father is near I love you You're the apply of my eye. I will hold you and shield you I will keep you from harm In the time of trouble I'll be by your side.

Chorus In your weakness in your need I'll be everything you need All you need to do is call on My name - 2

Chorus No matter what others say about you No matter if the tide turns against you

~ Lyrics & song composition by Henrietta Decruz Published on 22nd May 2020.

15 May 2020

To the Tired and Weary Soul

Get some rest
Be true to yourself
when everything around you
is falling apart
and things begin to look unfamiliar.
Sure the landscape has changed
people are scattered
and our hopes feel uncertain
shaken and dim.

People in your life may leave you
you may feel isolated and left out
but there is one person who's never left you
and that is the person within you.
You have been a good friend to others
you have been loyal and faithful to family
you could even be kind to a stranger
now won't you be good to your self?

When you begin to love who you are
you will begin to learn who you really are
the One who created you will come beside you
and strengthen you to complete your journey.
While the world spins out of control
in faith hold on to your Creator
have faith in the One who fashioned you
He will tide you through the storm.

Your journey doesn't end in this world
you are a rider destined to journey through eternity
you are a soul that has to weather ups and downs
in this life and you still have to learn some lessons.
If you get tired and break down now
you will lose your strength, your focus
you need to regroup and rebuild yourself
this world needs you that is why the Creator made you.

There is something very precious deposited in you
which no one else can give to this world.
Don't you believe those who only want to tear you down
their lies will grieve your heart and tear your soul if you let them.
If you cannot trust yourself, trust your Creator
He invested so much in you, He knows you and loves you
He will carry you when you are tired
and rejuvenate you when you need rest.

There are days written in your book by the Creator
He who planned your life knows when to call you home
Time in this body is finite
but time as a soul is infinite.
Live every day given to you with joy
For some given day each will leave this body
and fly away to meet their Creator
for everyone born must someday die.

The time you have on earth is precious
for you choose how to spend it.
It is a gift you give someone to treasure
so choose how you spend it with care.
Why stay in a prison of grief and sorrow
when every day invites you to smile?
Why cry for what has been when you can dream
and your dreams can make this world a better place?

~ Henrietta Decruz
© May 2020

You are a ripple. Your presence makes a difference in this world.

01 May 2020

No More Chasing the Wind

 Blowing in the Wind - Image by Hartwig HKD

A lifetime of chasing the wind
Running after something or someone
Has finally come to an end.
I learned the truth
and it set me free
from all the incompleteness I felt.

Isn't it crazy that you seeks answers
all over the world
and finally find the answer is in you!
It's a relief
It's a joy!
It is final - I am home.

It is time to bid goodbye
to those who chose to bail out
to those who pushed me away.
It is time to acknowledge
those who chose to stay
those who stood by me through thick and thin.

We may be far away from a friend
But when we meet it's as though we met just yesterday
Time cannot separate those who belong.
Thank God for friends who by their presence
by their words or actions show us
that they really care.

There are enough empty words in this world
It's better to not speak what we don't mean
It's better to let go of those who have nothing to say.
Today I am thankful because I was overlooked
by some who were shallow
their truth so evident, so visible.

Everything we say or choose not to say
everything we do or choose not to do
reveals something about us.
What are our actions or inactions saying about us?
No matter how many masks you wear
The truth will show itself to the keen observer.

Lies have only so much life
When two and two are put together
Someone will realize it is four and not twenty two.
The truth no matter how sour
is the only best friend a person can have
Be wise, choose the truth, choose freedom from lies.


~ Henrietta Decruz
   Copyright 2020