26 August 2021

Soul Silence in the Pandemic

When the world seemed to stop
As the pandemic invaded our lives,
Life took a big turn
Thankfully for the better
For some people like me.

Running overtime exhausted,
No time to stop and think,
Dig deep and process internal storms,
The pandemic brought a pace
That made deep pondering possible.

Little did I know
I was digging for treasure
And would ultimately uncover
The biggest truth about my life
And discover who I am.

The freedom gained
Is a joy for life!
The things left behind
Tossed into history
Nothing to cry over.

I celebrate healing
I received restoration
Which only peace and quiet can bring.
Tranquility is a good friend
Of wisdom, I learned.

Work from home and
Not chasing the clock felt good.
But there were complaints
A bulging midriff and
Not seeing nature.

After the pandemic began
The whole world changed in the ‘Reset.’
My life too ushered a reset
As I sifted through life experiences
And put together the ‘real’ me.

I learned stillness and silence
Can do you good
Embrace the timeless moment
And make it only yours
No one can live life for you.

- Henrietta Decruz