16 November 2022

Fight the Battle for Your Life

What are the problems you are facing?

Your problems are taking you to the next level in your life.

No challenge - no victory!

Get up and fight the battle for your life.
Don't sit there and allow your adversary to take your life.

You were born because God wanted someone like you to be a part of His creation. He has a plan for you - a plan for a good future.

Fight for His plan to be fulfilled in your life. Don't allow anyone to rob you of His best for you and your life.

You are worth fighting for!
You really are.

If no one has told you that you have value or worth or made you feel that way... the problem is with them, not you.

They were stingy with their words and deeds, too self-centered to see good in anyone else. Don't let their weaknesses or faults make you look down on yourself!

Don't hate yourself because they hated you.
Don't neglect yourself because others neglected you and your needs.

Don't expect others to reward you or acknowledge your goodness...
Keep doing good for the right reasons and God will reward you.

Keep fighting in faith, build up the warrior in you!


- Henrietta

14 November 2022

A Trip Down Memory Lane - Old Published Writings and Letters to the Editor

Walking down memory lane I could find some treasures to preserve, some joyful and memories that brought mixed emotions too. 

During the past year, I decided to take pictures of some of my earliest publications. The first writing of mine that got published publicly on mainstream media was a poem! I was happy to see my first poem published in the Teenager magazine in July 1986. Six months later I got to see the second poem published too in the January 1987 edition of the same magazine. 

Soon after the first poem appeared I was given the opportunity to write poems or articles for the Parish Bulletin of St.Francis DeSales Church. I remember how Mrs. Agatha Thomas would patiently wait for me to give her my submission! I really had no idea what a big deal it was to have an opportunity to write something for every edition of the Parish Bulletin. I had preserved one copy of every bulletin I wrote for, but unfortunately my father suddenly gave the entire set away to his father without checking with me and I never got to see them again. I wish I could have stopped him then.   

Here are some images of the first few of my writings that were published. 


'Teenager' magazine  - July 1986 & January 1987 


Poems by Henrietta

Poems by me published in the 'Teenager' - 'The Reawakening' & 'Autumn' 


Writing titled 'Humanity' in the newsletter 'Vicinity' 


The very first Letter to the Editor I wrote was a letter appreciating the Times of India for starting a new section for students! I cannot remember which year it was. 

 A letter speaking about how hartals are causing much loss for the nation.

A letter written after there were attacks on the Christian community 

One of my dreams while I was growing up was to become a journalist. Later it changed and I decided I want to be a social worker. Even through the years of social work, my love for writing remained as it was close to my heart. 

While I was a child, I was very quiet. Writing and singing songs were the main forms of self expression for me. I am very happy that writing still is a big part of my life ! 


I said 'Goodbye' 
and I did not cry. 
No tears were shed
It was long overdue
This break-up 
with the old 'me'. 

It took me all these years
to find the treasure
inside me. 
I was led down 
a rabbit hole 
by so many lies. 

A fraud was committed
against me
I was made a party to it too. 
Unsuspecting I followed
and so became 
my own enemy. 

Now lies exposed
I stand vindicated
I realized my foolishness
in trusting those who 
meant ill for me
In loving those who hated me. 

Goodbye to the old
is actually the turning of a page,
a welcome to a new beginning.
How can something new
something that infuses new life
and gives you hope be bad? 


14th November 2022

05 July 2022

Do you enjoy your work?


Work is such an important part of our lives. The estimate is that 90,000 hours of a lifetime is spent at work!

Imagine spending all this time at work that you detest or at a place where you are ill-treated and looked down upon. Allowing oneself to do so is equivalent to drinking slow poison as it slowly robs one of health, peace of mind and relationships too.

This is why Proverbs 4:23 urges us, "Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life."

Do you enjoy your work?

Does your work give you satisfaction?

Are you equipped to excel at your work?

Does your income from work meet all your needs?

Give it a thought and endeavour to make your remaining days of working in this lifetime better!

#work #health #peaceofmind #satisfaction #lifetime #guard #income #relationships #enjoy #grow

18 June 2022

Do you want prosperity and peace?


Do you want great good to come to you? Do you want to prosper and be at peace? Acquaint yourself with God and live your life as per His will, follow Him.

There is no shame in humbling ourselves before the God, the Creator who created us. Acknowledging Him and giving Him due respect only leads to good for us. Job knew this secret. He was known to be a righteous and good man who loved God and followed Him closely.

The Bible describes him as a person who 'was blameless and upright, and one who [reverently] feared God and abstained from and shunned evil [because it was wrong]." [Job 1:1]

He was also known to be one of the richest in the land of Uz, all thanks to the blessings of God. In fact, Satan said to God, 'Have You not put a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have conferred prosperity and happiness upon him in the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land."

This proves that God had indeed blessed Job. God is not a respecter of persons, what He did for Job, He will do for any one, if they live the way Job lived.

God goes one step further and says those who love Him and follow Him closely can decree a thing and it will come to pass too. Isn't that a very special privilege He has given His children? Of course someone who loves God will never misuse or abuse this privilege because they have the 'heart' of the Lord too.

Are you struggling to win worldly things and riches? What is the use of gaining all that without God!

Wouldn't be better to follow Him and then receive His blessings like Job did? That is something you could ponder about this week.

Read Job 22:21-30 AMPC to get a deeper understanding.

Are you going through a rough time?

Many times when we face tough times or have bad experiences, we think something is wrong with us. When someone is mean to us without any reason we tend to think that we are unlovable and begin to hate ourselves too.

The worst thing is that it also colours how we see God our Creator. We blame Him for the way others treat us.

The truth is He loves you immensely and He delights in you. But because people around you do not show you His love, you are feeling this way. 

God says to you, "Because you are precious in My sight and honored, and because I love you, I will give men in return for you and peoples in exchange for your life."
Isaiah 43:4 AMPC

You are precious, you are cherished! You are lovable and worth much more than you can imagine! These difficult times will pass. Don't give up hope.

If you want to know who this God, your Creator is, ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He is real and He can hear you. He will answer you!

#love #God #precious #lonely #unwanted #worthless #sad #rough #toughtimes #tough #creator #hope


08 May 2022

The Lie Song - A Song for Our Time!

Aren't you tired of all the lies that are going around?

Everywhere you look... lies, lies and more lies. Fake news, false reports and false evidence too. So I decided to write a song about lies - The Lie Song!

I hope you will like it!

Here are the lyrics of the song:

You cannot make a lie stand with a thousand legs You cannot make a lie stand on the mountain top It will come straight tumbling down down When the truth stands Oh you cannot make a lie stand with a thousand legs.


But you can stand up for the truth
That’s the only chance you’ve got
Cos no matter how it’s hidden
It’ll come right out on top.
If you tell a thousand lies
Just one truth will kill them all
Cos you cannot make a lie stand
Even if you’re tall.

You can run around the whole world and come right back Cos your lie will still be waiting to stare at you You can pay someone the whole world to lie for you But you cannot hold the truth in a thousand chains.

Written by Henrietta Decruz

- Copyright 2019