Selling, selling dreams …
(um hmm, um hmmm)
There’s no
self esteem (ah huh, ah huh)
They’ll sell
you the moon
And if you buy
their car
You can be a
star (ah ha, Aha!)
selling dreams (hmm hmmm, hmm hmmm)
Trendy home machines
Can fill your
Clothes and
trips and things
Of every size
(Yet) when you
go back home
You are still
Searching for
yourself… (ah ha, Aha!) Chorus
2. Empty, empty words and promises
Are lying all
For you to
Which one will
you try?
Any way it’s a
And in the end
you’ll be a fool to believe it. Chorus
Believe it if you want it’s yours to
There’s no
truth or dare
Nobody cares
Even if you
slog and work hard like a dog
You’ll spend
it in a jiff (ah ha, Aha!)
You’ll carry
on like this till you realize Chorus
I would call this a song specially meant for a time like this... Recession is causing everyone to regret decisions they made about things they purchased or the loans they took... Everyone is finding new ways to manage with whatever amount of money they have and are learning how tough it is to hold on to one's purse strings!
The song also conveys the message that matters of self-esteem and things that really are important are not connected with the things we have or buy!