After a life of storms
I sat and searched the sky for a rainbow
My eyes strained…
But there was no color to greet my eyes
Another shower came by
And as in cue
The thunder and lightning too
Made their presence felt
I strained my neck… still no rainbow!
Feeling tired of chasing rainbows
I decided to give up
Find a better pastime…
As I was musing over it
I felt a breeze brush past me.
Sure enough the wind was teasing me
It pushed away some stray leaves
Making them dance and twirl
What a way to catch my attention!
I smiled to myself.
My friend the wind knew just what to do
To make me come alive
He would caress my skin and play with my hair
And tug at my dress from time to time
Just to let me know he’s there.
After a while of this romancing
I didn’t even notice one day
After a heavy downpour of rain
There stood a proud rainbow
Beckoning at me, “Here I am!”
I looked at the rainbow and said, ‘Wow!’
Just then my friend the wind whistled near my ear
And caught my attention yet again
I realized it is not the fleeting things we live for
But those simple things that make our lives meaningful.
~ Henrietta Decruz
Beautifully penned.