It floats when we don't know what to do
Slipping through some crevice or hole in the door
Before you know, it is gone
The clock ticks
As though there was nothing else to do
Breathe in, breathe out
speak softly, be silent or let out a shout
Tell the world you live
Else how would anyone know you were around.
I lived many years bound by musts and shoulds
Barely free to be myself
Telling myself to be this or that
To receive acceptance, understanding or love.
That was the last chapter of my life.
Standing at the threshold
Of a brand new chapter
I smile at the redundant and useless things
That I allowed to affect me
In years gone by.
I gave power to some to hurt me, use me or abuse me
No more! Not any more.
I gave them power to suggest things I would never have done
Now I define what I do and do not do
I choose the principles I live my life by
Not the world, not the people, not the who's who
Not just about anyone... I decide!
I choose to be who I am fully and fulfill my destiny
God thought it necessary to create a person like me
Why should I fret?
I cannot go back and retrieve lost energy or time
I cannot undo all that they did
But I have made a decision to not let them steal
One more moment, one bit of my precious time
Or heart affection from me for I know I deserve better!
I forgive, I let go so I don't have to remember
What I don't want to remember
I let God decide what to do with the bygones
He was witness, He knows how to deal with it
I fully trust Him with my whole life.
Some decades have been spent
How much life do I have left?
So much to do... so little is done
It is time to focus on the life left to live
What I can do and what I can give.
Trivial things will no more have centrestage
Lessons learnt, heart prepared
Mind groomed, spirit ready
New Life beckons, time to move on
No, no more turning back!
- Henrietta Decruz