18 June 2022

Do you want prosperity and peace?


Do you want great good to come to you? Do you want to prosper and be at peace? Acquaint yourself with God and live your life as per His will, follow Him.

There is no shame in humbling ourselves before the God, the Creator who created us. Acknowledging Him and giving Him due respect only leads to good for us. Job knew this secret. He was known to be a righteous and good man who loved God and followed Him closely.

The Bible describes him as a person who 'was blameless and upright, and one who [reverently] feared God and abstained from and shunned evil [because it was wrong]." [Job 1:1]

He was also known to be one of the richest in the land of Uz, all thanks to the blessings of God. In fact, Satan said to God, 'Have You not put a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have conferred prosperity and happiness upon him in the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land."

This proves that God had indeed blessed Job. God is not a respecter of persons, what He did for Job, He will do for any one, if they live the way Job lived.

God goes one step further and says those who love Him and follow Him closely can decree a thing and it will come to pass too. Isn't that a very special privilege He has given His children? Of course someone who loves God will never misuse or abuse this privilege because they have the 'heart' of the Lord too.

Are you struggling to win worldly things and riches? What is the use of gaining all that without God!

Wouldn't be better to follow Him and then receive His blessings like Job did? That is something you could ponder about this week.

Read Job 22:21-30 AMPC to get a deeper understanding.

Are you going through a rough time?

Many times when we face tough times or have bad experiences, we think something is wrong with us. When someone is mean to us without any reason we tend to think that we are unlovable and begin to hate ourselves too.

The worst thing is that it also colours how we see God our Creator. We blame Him for the way others treat us.

The truth is He loves you immensely and He delights in you. But because people around you do not show you His love, you are feeling this way. 

God says to you, "Because you are precious in My sight and honored, and because I love you, I will give men in return for you and peoples in exchange for your life."
Isaiah 43:4 AMPC

You are precious, you are cherished! You are lovable and worth much more than you can imagine! These difficult times will pass. Don't give up hope.

If you want to know who this God, your Creator is, ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He is real and He can hear you. He will answer you!

#love #God #precious #lonely #unwanted #worthless #sad #rough #toughtimes #tough #creator #hope