Jesus said, ""Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13
#MotherTeresa exemplified this in her life. She came from Albania but chose to spend her life among the poor, the downtrodden, those cast away by their own families to die on the streets. She laid down her life for them. She did it because she loved Jesus so much that she wanted to obey His command of loving others as He loved her. She never asked the dying what their religion was before she accepted them. She just treated them all with the same love and dignity as her Lord wanted her to treat them.
How many Indians have done this for other Indians? Our country has the distinction of having the caste system through which millions of people were and are still being ill-treated and treated as less than human because they were born in a 'low caste.' Even today we get reports of 'untouchability' being practiced in different parts of the country! Think about all the atrocities that were and are still being committed in the name of this. What a shame!
Today there are so many people picking up the broom to be a part of the #SwachchBharat Campaign and taking pictures with it. Some decades ago only the 'lower castes' were made to do all these things. In fact they were forced to do the most menial things that others didn't want to have anything to do with such as clean human refuse. Would any of our esteemed RSS leaders want to trade places with them? Would those who look down and question the motives of people who have done life long service to humanity trade places and accept the lowliest place that was thrust upon millions of people for no fault of theirs?
Mother Teresa didn't flinch when she cleaned up the dying who were found in gutters... she didn't see the dirt and muck on them... she saw their humanity... she saw her Lord who said, 'Whatever you do for the least of My brothers that you do unto Me!' She lived for Him and died for Him. Her life is her testimony. No one has the right to stain it.
[Context: Questioning a lifetime of service? - RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on Monday said that the prime motive behind Mother Teresa's service to the destitute was converting them to Christianity]
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