28 September 2015


A moment of birthing...
A transformation
A bringing to life
A sudden surge of energy
That catapults you
To a different dimension!

No looking back
No fretting
No complaints
No regrets
The joy of discovering
Your power is great!

What lies behind
Is in black and white
A lesson in time
A canvas with memories
A picture album
To visit sometimes.

Free your 'self'
There is no cage
There is no prison
Just an unending vast sky
That welcomes you
To dream and fly!

Yours every dream
Yours every opportunity
Yours is the vision
Bring it alive
Make it happen
Find your place under the sun!

~ Henrietta Decruz

Disclaimer: No copyright is claimed for any of the images used here. 

19 September 2015

Beauty Dies

When the beautiful things of life are pierced...
Unkindness, indifference or lack of concern
The beauty is marred
Its life shrivels
It dies.

It is better to not give
Your precious and beautiful things
To those who do not care
Their carelessness
Can kill.

A loving heart suffers all
But a time comes when it looks back
And realizes the loving was lost
It wasn’t to the right people
It stops.

~ Henrietta Decruz

The Breakdown

When there are cracks
Take heed
It is a matter of time
When the whole thing falls through.

Years of working together
Marred by indifference
Loss of trust
Cracks become fatal.

There comes a time
When you cannot hold it together
No matter what you do
It will be irretrievable.

The loss is permanent
The gentle heart sits still
Takes a while to decide
Sees the truth and leaves.

~ Henrietta Decruz 

17 September 2015

Do What Is Right For You

Think of the people you love the most... 

Are you walking in their shoes?
Are they telling you their thoughts?
Do they share their dreams with you?
They why do you hanker after them?

Who is guiding you every day?
Who is telling you what is good for you?
Is there anyone who cares?
Why fret for those who have no time for you?

Look at the person in the mirror...
Give her a hug
She is the only one who walks in your shoes
She is you!!!

~ Henrietta Decruz

My Empty Canvas

I look at the empty canvas of my life
Empty pages yet to be written
Ideas floating in front of me
Each represents what can
Fill this canvas.

I look at the canvases 
Filled in time gone by
Some gloomy and grey
Some cheerful and positive
Some mixed with myriad shades.

I want my life to be different
I want to shake off the chains that throttle
I want to fill my life with many hues
I want to live out the whole spectrum
And fulfill my destiny.

I know my life is fleeting
I know the scroll of time is limited
I look at those who lost their strength
And realize I must choose wisely
For life gives just one chance.

Let me fill my heart with goodness
Let me experience inner peace
Let me spread some cheer around me
Live a life that is free and complete
Before the last drop fills the canvas.

~ Henrietta Decruz 

The Right People

Who are the right people...
They are those who uphold our dignity at all times
They are those who come into your life as a blessing!
They are those who care for you in your downs
They are those who don't make you a joke, a laughing stock for others
They are those who value your person, your opinions
They are those who care about your dreams and desires
They are those who encourage you and lift your spirits.
They are those who stay in your life even it is difficult for them
They are true friends!!!

~ Henrietta Decruz

09 September 2015

A Note to Me

Dear me,
Its been a long time
There are times when I feel
Like I barely know you.

Buried under layers and layers
Of memories that dishearten me
I search for the true you
The 'you' unadulterated by time!

My family, my friends know some things
But I cannot make that claim
For I know they know a small part of you
And there is so much more to you!

Here I am searching, seeking
To dig deep beneath those layers
So I can encounter and relish
The real you!

It is time to let go of everything
That causes me to distrust you
It is time to leave every path
That takes me away from loving you.

At last! If I can truly say
I know who I am...
And if I can truly be myself fully
Then my life will be complete.

~ Henrietta Decruz