I missed you.
It’s been a long time
Since we had heart talk.
I’m sorry
I was hiding from you.
Some heart-aches
Some urgent situations
Took my attention away
For a while.
You’ve been my faithful friend
You always listen patiently
As I vent off
The good, the bad, the ugly…
What would I do without you!
As I sit here alone
At my favorite perch on the terrace
And watch the birds fly home
It’s good to have a trusted friend along…
Today was just another day
Routine to the careless eye
But my heart would say otherwise
It touched rock bottom
In sadness and despair
As a dream tugged away
Like a balloon on a string
Cut loose and flew away.
Someone cut the string
So abruptly
I couldn’t do anything.
Words, my friend
Have you met Tears, my other friend?
Well you both should meet some day…
Because what I’m not able
To share with one
I share with the other.
Tears is a friend
I don’t have to talk to
She silently understands
The emotions of my heart
As tears flow down my cheeks.
Between the two of you
I share my grief, my pain
Even my lessons, the stress, the strain.
Have I ever told you
How much you mean to me?
Well amidst a world full of people
You are my best friend.
You don’t leave me
You don’t deceive me
You never cause me pain
But you are always near
Whenever I need
A trusted friend!
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