30 October 2012

You Are... - A Song

Here are the lyrics of another song I wrote and composed. It is addressed to God our Creator. 

The Song is titled "You Are"  

You are
more than equal
The King of all that is…
Yet You came and became nothing
So every soul shall live
Who am I that I should take pride?
Who am I that I should look down from high?
Who am I? 

My Lord the Master of the universe!
My Lord the King of kings!
My Lord the Savior the sacrifice
Who teaches me how to live 

In my sin…
You never shunned me
You came and gave me hope
From within I was so broken
You brought my soul to life
Who am I to look down on others?
Who am I to ill-treat my brothers?  
Who am I? 


Filled with smiles
my heart is singing
The song of eternal joy
By Your love Your warmth is healing
Every wound inside
Why would I not share it with others?
Why should I not of Your love testify?
Why shouldn’t I?


With all my heart
I want to praise You 
You’re more than life to me!
All my life I want to serve You
Make my life count for You!
It is my joy to do as You tell me
It is my pride to call You my own!
I am Yours! 


Women of God

Here's a song I wrote and composed specially about women and for women. Here are the lyrics of the song...  

Women of God

Noble and gentle, 
Honest and meek
Working in earnest
Strength and dignity 
Called to be pillars
Of the church and the home
Called to be daughters 
Drawing near to God’s throne!

We are women of God 
Who worship the Lord
Who sit at His feet 
And minister to the weak
We feast on His Word
Draw strength from the Lord
Growing stronger and wiser
Humbly serving the Lord.

Looking up to the women 
Who lived out their faith
To Deborah and Miriam, 
Hannah, Ruth and Esther,
To Huldah and Rahab, 
Elizabeth and Mary
We are striving to write out
Our own faith-story!!!

The LORD God has called us
To be samples of His love
To be vessels of His grace
To be beacons of light!
To call back His own
To bring them to His throne
To fly high in spirit
And be forever His own!

P.S: I was hoping that the song would spell out what we can aspire to be as true 'women of God'. I am happy that I have had the privilege to know such women of God too!

29 October 2012

Sparks of Inspiration

I am amazed at the intricacies of life around me
The spread of beauty that enthrals my soul
The hues and colors that refresh my heart
And enthuses me to do good things.

Some things stand out amidst the squalor of despair
Some tiny brave hearts and some large but gentle souls
The stark contrast of extremes that play together
And weave a beautiful tapestry of life.

Life emerging from the cracks and crevices around
The rays of light reflecting from a tiny little stone
Transforming a dark and dingy hole
Into a lit palace laden with treasures.

I feel happy when I see goodness in unlikely places
The strings of hope sing songs that bless my heart
My feet wait to dance with joy never ending
My eyes shed a tear of joy at the victory.

In a dark and weary day as I walk the roads of life
Seeing a little bird or butterfly refreshes me
A feeling of bliss passes like a whiff of sweet perfume
When I smell the fragrance of the land bathed in the first shower.

I have a treasure chest of memories
Filled with the awesomeness of little things
Whenever I feel down with discouragement
I look for these sparks of inspiration. 


Life has taught me some grave lessons.

I have learnt after several wounds
That if you don’t care for yourself and your interests
No one else will do it for you.

Some people are blessed to have loved ones who care
Who teach them how to look out for themselves
For those less fortunate
The vagaries of life don’t spare
They ruthlessly tear you down
Until you learn to lift up your hands
And shield yourself.

I had lost my faith in human beings
Seen things I never wanted to see
Known the depths of depravity that some can go to
For mere material gains
They can kill and maim the spirit of others
Just to ride the wave of success themselves.

In the places that stand for justice
There can be grave injustice
In places where love is worshipped
There can be ugliness of hate
And in those who pledge to build others
There can be envy and jealousy
Such hypocrisy that I cannot bear!

I used to feel sorry for my losses
The precious things of life that I lost
But it was then that I understood
That learning is better than ignorance
And wisdom is better than knowledge
Some people cannot tell the difference
While I can cause life taught me well.

I thank God for the lessons I learnt
For His protection that didn’t let me perish
As storms caused havoc around me
For every grief He gave me a nugget of wisdom
For every loss a deep place in my heart
I heard that these very deep places
Store blessings when the showers come.

I am still learning in the school of life. 


Standing at a crossroad once again
I frown, I fret and complain

After a while the drama subsides
My heart makes a note
Of the time and place
An afterthought peeks in
Have I been here before?

The terrain seems similar
But the trail is different
This time I have reached the same place
Through another route
Yet the lesson is the same.

I am puzzled
Amazed that the result of two different situations
Can be one simple lesson
A lesson for life
I feel happy at last
As I know that finally I can turn the page!