I believe it is a privilege to die for Christ! We know where we will go when we die, when we die in the Lord... so it should be with peace that we accept the verdict of death because when we sleep the sleep of death in this world we wake up in heaven with the Lord in the next!

Here is a song I wrote and composed that affirms our stand to live for Jesus and die for Him too!
SONG: To Live and Die for
I am blessed to know the Lord!
To know the wonders of His love
To see the love He pours on me
Amazing grace that set me free!
I believe! Yes I believe!
That He is God of all that is!
His power runs the universe
He is the One and Only God!
He who came to save the world
Died on the cross to set me free
He is worthy of my love
My everything! Chorus
The time has come to take a stand
To live for Him and die for Him
Why should I hold back when
He even gave His life for me! Chorus
When that day comes into my life
May I be strong in faith and will
To boldly stand and take it all
In Jesus Name! Chorus
When I’ve breathed the very last
I know I’ll see my blessed LORD!
I’ll cross this shore and go to Him
Who is the anchor of my soul! Chorus
~ Henrietta Decruz
(Pictures - courtesy various sources from the Internet)