25 August 2014

Christian What is Your Stand?

As we see images and videos of Christians being beheaded and killed by the ISIS in Iraq and hear of increasing instances of persecution against Christians in other places, it becomes necessary for every believer to sit and think about what he or she would do if faced with a similar situation. Would you still stand for Christ or would you betray what you believed in and agree to what your persecutors say? 

I believe it is a privilege to die for Christ! We know where we will go when we die, when we die in the Lord... so it should be with peace that we accept the verdict of death because when we sleep the sleep of death in this world we wake up in heaven with the Lord in the next!  

I believe it is important that we believers affirm our faith in God and our willingness to suffer for Him so that He is glorified on earth as in heaven! Let's not give the perpetrators of crimes against Christians any credit or glory... Glory belongs to our Lord Jesus alone!!! 

Here is a song I wrote and composed that affirms our stand to live for Jesus and die for Him too! 

SONG: To Live and Die for Him!

I am blessed to know the Lord!
To know the wonders of His love
To see the love He pours on me
Amazing grace that set me free!

I believe! Yes I believe!
That He is God of all that is!
His power runs the universe
He is the One and Only God!

He who came to save the world
Died on the cross to set me free
He is worthy of my love
My everything!                              Chorus

The time has come to take a stand
To live for Him and die for Him
Why should I hold back when
He even gave His life for me!         Chorus

When that day comes into my life
May I be strong in faith and will
To boldly stand and take it all
In Jesus Name!                              Chorus

When I’ve breathed the very last
I know I’ll see my blessed LORD!
I’ll cross this shore and go to Him
Who is the anchor of my soul!        Chorus

~ Henrietta Decruz

(Pictures - courtesy various sources from the Internet)

13 August 2014



They make you
or break you
they bring lessons
consequences in our life
things we cannot run away from
things that later define our life.

they shape us
and we shape them too
Someone else's actions
and our reactions
our actions
and other's reactions.

they add or take away
meaning and purpose from us
Words thrown at others
hurt wound lacerate
Words spoken softly
heal rebuild and comfort.

the good and bad of life
living inside our being
fighting a battle to own us
We can live in the past
or learn from the past
and throw away the shards.

knowing what to take
and what to leave
from the myriad experiences
thrown at us
Learning not just from our lives
but from the mistakes of others.

a string of
memories and
wisdom gained.

07 August 2014

Unwanted and Unknown

Facing indifference
Not on anyone’s list
Not cared for…
Not counted.

Wondering if there is value
Wondering if there is love
Wondering if someone would respect
Or care…
Just because I’m human
Just because I am.

Struggling to make ends meet
Working hard to make a mark
Giving more than ever received
In the hope
Of being counted
Of being accepted.

Yet all I see is disappointing
People obsessed with themselves
Who have no time to notice
Or care about the needs of another
If God Himself came again
They would overlook Him.
I can hear the silent screams
Of hearts who are pushed aside
From the walkway of life
Away from the merry-go-round
This world has become
Some dead walking with hopelessness.

Empty relationships
Empty conversations
It’s all pretense
When they say, ‘How are you?’
Do they really care?
My heart mocks me.
I find meaning and purpose
In knowing I was created
Not to be degraded
Not as a valueless person
But an equal of everyone
Regardless of possessions or bloodline.

Yes you and I have value
Whether anyone gives it to us or not 
They may pretend wealth is important
They may glorify the famous tyrant
They may give importance to just a few
But they cannot take what is within us.

I am wanted
That is why God created me
I am known
He knew me before I was born
I have a purpose 
That is why I breathe.