14 May 2015

My version of the song "Hallelujah!"

I was listening to the various versions of the song 'Hallelujah' by Leonard Cohen. The true meaning of the word Hallelujah is 'Praise the Lord!' I couldn't help realize that very few of the versions really were about God. I felt deep in my heart the need to write a version that was centered on HIM for whom the praise really was.
https://evanlaar2014.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/starstree.jpgMoreover, even I have been far away from God and was able to know Him closely only through His mercy and forgiveness. So here is my version... a song of a person who was brought back into close fellowship with God by His love and mercy and how she/he feels about this relationship in the now and for the future.
I hope this song's lyrics will touch a chord in every heart so they would themselves seek to know the Truth about the real true God. No, any of us don't need to take someone else's word for it... if you are a truly a Seeker, you will find Him! Keep on seeking... and you will find Him, His love, His truth and His Peace more than anything else!!!
I have done a rough recording of this version and put it up in Sound Cloud.com. Here is the link to the song...  https://soundcloud.com/henrietta-decruz/hallelujah-by-henrietta-decruz
I don't claim to be a great singer... I have just a simple voice and an ability to sing which I think is a gift from God Himself. I am thankful for it! So here is my offering to the Lord GOD Who saved my life many times and in many ways! Anything I do cannot repay Him for His love, His forgiveness, His protection and provision! 
Glory to God!!! Amen!
Here are the lyrics of my version of 'Hallelujah!'

I know there is a secret place
Where we do meet face to face
I thrive in every moment, Hallelujah!
No nothing else can take Your place
No! No one else could match Your grace
I celebrate Your glory, Hallelujah!!!

Chorus:      Hallelujah!

No, I was not so close to You
There was a time when I hated You
I blamed You for my sins, Hallelujah!
I was wrong I realized
When You came down opened my eyes
And I could see my truth, Hallelujah!                 Chorus

It took many years to reach the truth
To know Your love, Your loving heart
And Oh! How much it hurt me, Hallelujah!
That I did wrong and grieved Your heart
Yet You stood strong endured my part
You didn’t give up on me, Hallelujah!                Chorus

I’m standing here, all healed made whole
You filled my heart, filled every hole
You gave me a new life, Hallelujah!
I cannot bear to hear them say
The words that curse and tear You down
You never did deserve it, Hallelujah!                  Chorus

Yes, this is a world that turns its back
On everything You did for them
When I speak up for You, they will hate me
They spat on You, they tore Your clothes,
Humiliated You, gave You a cross
So how can I think that they will love me?                Chorus

Lord Jesus let me die for You
You’re the only One who is ever true
It’s a privilege I will have Hallelujah!
I wait for the day when this life is done
This race is over, the victory won
And I can run into Your arms, Hallelujah!          Chorus

Written by Henrietta Decruz
Based on the tune of “Hallelujah!’ by Leonard Cohen 

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