What are the problems you are facing?
Your problems are taking you to the next level in your life.No challenge - no victory!Get up and fight the battle for your life.Don't sit there and allow your adversary to take your life.You were born because God wanted someone like you to be a part of His creation. He has a plan for you - a plan for a good future.Fight for His plan to be fulfilled in your life. Don't allow anyone to rob you of His best for you and your life.You are worth fighting for!You really are.If no one has told you that you have value or worth or made you feel that way... the problem is with them, not you.They were stingy with their words and deeds, too self-centered to see good in anyone else. Don't let their weaknesses or faults make you look down on yourself!Don't hate yourself because they hated you.Don't neglect yourself because others neglected you and your needs.Don't expect others to reward you or acknowledge your goodness...Keep doing good for the right reasons and God will reward you.
Keep fighting in faith, build up the warrior in you!
- Henrietta