09 December 2009


I don’t know if I know…
How to define 

Some relationships break you 
Some help make you 
Others stifle you 
A few others mend you 
Amazing how people can be… 
Whether foe or friend! 

If you live alone and you’re lost
Drip, drop, drown in a world without seams
Without anyone to speak to
Without references to know your own mind.

Rules, laws and how to do’s
Crazy, restricting some may say
But left to oneself to make the rules
There is just no fun to play
Without someone to play along
And share in the game.

I can dream a million dreams
Climb up and down streams
Count stars and travel far
But after I’ve done it all…
What’s the point if there’s no one
That I could talk about it to?

I can feel a lot of feelings
Steal a lot of moments
For my memories… 
Win a great victory
But oh the loss!
If no one is there to evoke the feelings
That share and care
And celebrate with me!

Some people I love to hate
They define what I dislike,
Don’t believe in
Or wouldn’t be caught with even in my dreams
They draw the lines of what I am not
They don’t know it
But they too play a big part in defining me.

The chats, the laughter, the tears…
The thinking after when it’s all over
What would we do without all that?
Where would we be without the ups and downs?
Just plain ordinary routine days and nights
Would drive us crazy…
Make us lazy
And make us bland.

I still don’t know what relationships are about…
But I do know one thing
I have learnt I need them…
More than meeting my needs
I need them to find myself,
Know myself, my boundaries…
My dreams, my opinions
And find my own comfortable world.

Knowing what I am and what I’m not
What I want and what I can live without
What I need and what is luxury
Helps me to define me 
Helps me to dream dreams
And become a visionary.

I need to look forward to a future…
That’s why I need relationships
Of all shapes, sizes and colours.
Hello there! How are you?
It’s really nice to meet you!

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