10 December 2009

Truth and Justice

The truth should speak for itself
For if it doesn’t, injustice will prevail

The problem with our courts of justice is
That they don’t look at the situation as it is
But rather at how it is represented
So when a criminal is represented as an angel
And the court buys it
Justice is perverted
And the court becomes criminal too
Perpetrators of injustice
On the helpless innocents.

Thousands and millions perish
Live in despair and cry
Because of this great injustice
When judgments are bought for a price.
The hand that should correct and protect
Becomes the very hand that maims and kills
Hearts, minds, souls and spirits
When they are crushed
Though they did no wrong.

Isn’t this predicament far worse than the first?
Then – they felt that someone would help,
Understand and do them justice
And now – all hope turns to despair,
Pain and torment as they cry
“There is no one who would help!
There is no hope! We are finished!!”

Would not the halls of heaven
Resound with cries of sorrow
Of souls trapped in circumstances
Crying for they can see no tomorrow?
For there, no bribes
Nor destruction of evidence
Can save a criminal’s skin
The cause of true justice is upheld
The victory can be won.
The compensation there is restoration
And losses turn into gain.

O unrepentant man!
Turn from the road to fraudulent gain
The violence you create will one day end you too
Nothing you amass through another’s sorrow
Will ever do you any good.
Haven’t you read the tales of old
Of thousands who perished in greed
So why carry on through the glittering road
That leads to the doubly dead?

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