04 September 2014

My Jesus is worth dying for! - A Song

Song:       My Jesus is worth dying for!
                                Written and composed by Henrietta Decruz

http://www.rgbstock.com/bigphoto/nEe1X7K/The+Blood+2Chorus:           Yes my Jesus is
Worth dying for… (2)
Because He came and died for me!
Yes my Jesus is
Worth living for… (2)
Because He came and lived for me!

1.    He didn’t have to come
 And leave His throne
 Become a man
 And take on human flesh!
 He chose to do it knowing
 I’m a fallen man
 Who can’t be saved
 From my sins!
           He came down from the throne
           He left His very own
           He chose to walk the path
           That only brought Him pain!!!                 


2.    Yes I have sinned
 And done many things
 I shouldn’t have done
 In my life!
 I now repent
 For all my wrongs
 No matter what
 I can’t make them right!
           He was sinless yet He died
           Humiliated, paid the price
           He let them rob Him of His dignity
           For me!!!


3.    Now when they ask me
 To disown this Jesus
 Why would I ever do it
 Knowing His love for me!
 If they had only known
 How much He loved them
 How much He paid for them
 Wouldn’t they be free!!!
           He came and died for all
           He gave His every breath
           To make sure we who sinned
           Would never perish!!!


~ Henrietta Decruz

25 August 2014

Christian What is Your Stand?

As we see images and videos of Christians being beheaded and killed by the ISIS in Iraq and hear of increasing instances of persecution against Christians in other places, it becomes necessary for every believer to sit and think about what he or she would do if faced with a similar situation. Would you still stand for Christ or would you betray what you believed in and agree to what your persecutors say? 

I believe it is a privilege to die for Christ! We know where we will go when we die, when we die in the Lord... so it should be with peace that we accept the verdict of death because when we sleep the sleep of death in this world we wake up in heaven with the Lord in the next!  

I believe it is important that we believers affirm our faith in God and our willingness to suffer for Him so that He is glorified on earth as in heaven! Let's not give the perpetrators of crimes against Christians any credit or glory... Glory belongs to our Lord Jesus alone!!! 

Here is a song I wrote and composed that affirms our stand to live for Jesus and die for Him too! 

SONG: To Live and Die for Him!

I am blessed to know the Lord!
To know the wonders of His love
To see the love He pours on me
Amazing grace that set me free!

I believe! Yes I believe!
That He is God of all that is!
His power runs the universe
He is the One and Only God!

He who came to save the world
Died on the cross to set me free
He is worthy of my love
My everything!                              Chorus

The time has come to take a stand
To live for Him and die for Him
Why should I hold back when
He even gave His life for me!         Chorus

When that day comes into my life
May I be strong in faith and will
To boldly stand and take it all
In Jesus Name!                              Chorus

When I’ve breathed the very last
I know I’ll see my blessed LORD!
I’ll cross this shore and go to Him
Who is the anchor of my soul!        Chorus

~ Henrietta Decruz

(Pictures - courtesy various sources from the Internet)

13 August 2014



They make you
or break you
they bring lessons
consequences in our life
things we cannot run away from
things that later define our life.

they shape us
and we shape them too
Someone else's actions
and our reactions
our actions
and other's reactions.

they add or take away
meaning and purpose from us
Words thrown at others
hurt wound lacerate
Words spoken softly
heal rebuild and comfort.

the good and bad of life
living inside our being
fighting a battle to own us
We can live in the past
or learn from the past
and throw away the shards.

knowing what to take
and what to leave
from the myriad experiences
thrown at us
Learning not just from our lives
but from the mistakes of others.

a string of
memories and
wisdom gained.

07 August 2014

Unwanted and Unknown

Facing indifference
Not on anyone’s list
Not cared for…
Not counted.

Wondering if there is value
Wondering if there is love
Wondering if someone would respect
Or care…
Just because I’m human
Just because I am.

Struggling to make ends meet
Working hard to make a mark
Giving more than ever received
In the hope
Of being counted
Of being accepted.

Yet all I see is disappointing
People obsessed with themselves
Who have no time to notice
Or care about the needs of another
If God Himself came again
They would overlook Him.
I can hear the silent screams
Of hearts who are pushed aside
From the walkway of life
Away from the merry-go-round
This world has become
Some dead walking with hopelessness.

Empty relationships
Empty conversations
It’s all pretense
When they say, ‘How are you?’
Do they really care?
My heart mocks me.
I find meaning and purpose
In knowing I was created
Not to be degraded
Not as a valueless person
But an equal of everyone
Regardless of possessions or bloodline.

Yes you and I have value
Whether anyone gives it to us or not 
They may pretend wealth is important
They may glorify the famous tyrant
They may give importance to just a few
But they cannot take what is within us.

I am wanted
That is why God created me
I am known
He knew me before I was born
I have a purpose 
That is why I breathe. 

30 July 2014

Without Knowing

We hardly know the bruises we leave behind
As we walk on jostling through life.

Every day comes with its battles and problems
We struggle to keep things going
And somewhere in the process
We become a problem ourselves,
A problem for someone else.

As we grow wiser to our own lapses
We realize the people gone before us
Knew little of the damage they did
To our generation, to our family life
To our future.

Each thought they had a choice for themselves
Some chose for themselves
Some chose thinking about others
Each left behind consequences for others to endure
Suffer and overcome.
Perhaps a lot of us would have no story
No success and no victory if there was no hurdle
Obstacle or lack to deal with
They were the reason why we stand proud today
Thinking we handled the cards we were dealt with well.

We may fret and not want to share the glory or credit
Of our achievements with those who were part of the problem
But the truth is if the going was easy
We would be no winner!
There is a victory only when there is a struggle.

Often I have looked at families that have everything made
And feel sad about what I have missed
But then I realize someone in their family broke the mould
Made an impact through their actions
And freed the coming generations to live better lives.

You and I have been called to be winners
To be breakers of the mould
To be path creators and pioneers
Who will show the way to the struggling and lost 
We can be beacons and shine the light! 

24 July 2014

Dear Wind...

Copyright of the photographer inscribed on picture
The Wind on Mt. Everest 
Dear Wind where are you going?
What longings do you carry in your heart?

I heard the rain had come along
And splashed some lands anew

Did you enjoy the companionship?
The time you spent together?

O Wind how I envy you…
You traveler of the mysterious lands

I stand and stare at the lush green
Admire the beauty all around

You can go venture everywhere
Not a ticket! No one asks you a fare!

I feel imprisoned with house duties
You are carefree and roam at will

Ah! For the life that has no bounds
The heart that can live out their dreams

How I would love to go places, experience it all
If the ropes of life would loosen up a bit!

O Wind, where are you going next?
Can you blow me away with you? 

03 May 2014

Should We Be Warned?

Ecclesiastes 12:6,7 in the Bible says, "[Remember your Creator earnestly now] before the silver cord [of life] is snapped apart, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern [and the whole circulatory system of the blood ceases to function]; Then shall the dust [out of which God made man’s body] return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return to God Who gave it." [Amplified Bible]
Man made out of dust

What remains after this life?

Only dust!

We are but dust, God shaped us put His breath in us and gave us life. He formed us and gave us our personality! Everything that we take pride in originates and is because He gave it to us.

Our very breath is in His hands. We need to always remember this. One blow from Him and our story is over!

Where do we stand with God? Are we doing what is right in His sight?

The world has changed the standards of good - bad and right - wrong but God hasn't! Seek God and correct yourself... He is a great Forgiver and His blessings are for those who will obey Him with a sincere heart! ?

King Belshazzar receives a warning from God:

King Belshazzar sees the writing on the wall
King Belshazzar wanted to know the interpretation of what the 'Finger' had written on the wall. It was inscribed MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN and none of his wise men could tell him the interpretation of these words.

Daniel came and told the king that he had been defiant against "the God in Whose hand your breath is and Whose are all your ways you have not honored and glorified [but have dishonored and disgraced]."

Then Daniel went on to share the interpretation of what was written, "And this is the inscription that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN—numbered, numbered, weighed, divisions. This is the interpretation of the matter: MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingship and brought them to an end; TEKEL, You are weighed in the balances and are found wanting; Peres, Your kingdom and your kingship are divided and given to the Medes and Persians." Daniel 5: 25-27 [Amplified Bible]

The Bible records, "During that night Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans was slain," Daniel 5:30. Belshazzar didn't think that his end would be like this but he could do nothing to change it. His power, position, status and possessions could not save him from what God had decreed for him.

Hebrews 10:31 says, "It is a fearful (formidable and terrible) thing to incur the divine penalties and be cast into the hands of the living God!"

Now matter how great you think you are, no matter what your accomplishments and achievements... the fact remains your breath is not in your hands... but in the hands of the God who made you! Rethink your life and your priorities... It may be far more valuable than you think! 

01 April 2014

#NOAH the film - How much Truth and how many Lies?

I didn't get to meet the real #NOAH... instead I met an impostor who is doing his best to spoil Noah's name!  A big thumbs down to the makers of this film. If they couldn't do justice to the story of Noah... they shouldn't have made this film!!! Instead someone who really knew and understood the story in the right way should have made the film.
I think this is a clarion call to the Christian Filmmakers - Rise up and make films related to our faith before those who hate God and His people make stuff like this to pollute people's thinking!!!

Friends, there are several elements added to the story of Noah which have changed both the characters and the story totally. So much so that except for a very few things the rest is all a web of lies!

The film maker has used his creative license so much that he changed the story from the original. Like for instance he shows Noah's younger two sons did not have wives.

Well, that is too far from the truth. Genesis 6:18 says "But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife, and your sons' wives with you." And Genesis 7:7 says, "Then Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him entered the ark because of the water of the flood."

As for the children born to Noah's sons, another LIE inserted into the story... the film shows the birth of twin daughters whom Noah wanted to kill, nothing can be further from the truth. There was no birth inside the Ark at all! There was no question of Noah killing anyone - He would never kill even a living thing! Why would a person like that want to kill girl twins??? Desperate to cause hate towards Noah and God - the filmmakers have proved they just don't want to tell the story honestly!

The sons of Noah had children only AFTER they settled on the land. Genesis 10:1-4 says this, "This is the history of the generations (descendants) of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The sons born to them after the flood were: 2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. 3 The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 

The other thing the film does is insert something called 'Watchers' or fallen angels who are supposed to be helping Noah build his Ark. Nothing could be further from the Truth as the fallen angels are more associated with Satan, God's arch enemy and would have never be involved in anything even remotely related to God or His people. Revelation 12:9 says, "And the huge dragon was cast down and out—that age-old serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, he who is the seducer (deceiver) of all humanity the world over; he was forced out and down to the earth, and his angels were flung out along with him." [Amplified] Why would such beings have anything to do with Noah, a man chosen by God?

The movie has another insertion that is entirely untrue. It shows a character called Tubal-Cain, who is a descendant of Cain enter the Ark undetected. The Bible story does not have any stowaways! Moreover, there was no chance anyone could enter like that since Genesis 7:16 says, " And they that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded [Noah]; and the Lord shut him in and closed [the door] round about him." It was God Himself who sealed the Ark, no one could go through Him and stay alive anyway.  

As for God and His nature - Genesis 6:5-7 says, "The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was only evil continually. And the Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved at heart. So the Lord said, I will destroy, blot out, and wipe away mankind, whom I have created from the face of the ground—not only man, [but] the beasts and the creeping things and the birds of the air—for it grieves Me and makes Me regretful that I have made them."

Man can bear seeing men kill other men... we have grown accustomed to seeing riots and violence where tens, hundreds and thousands of people perish. But not God... it hurts His heart to see the men He created doing this to one another. He wants us to love one another - not kill one another. That is why it grieved His heart... and He decided to give man a fresh start through Noah, a "just and righteous man, blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked [in habitual fellowship] with God" Genesis 6:9 [Amp]

The film also shows that Noah made choices that mankind should end and that God wanted all men to perish. However that is also far from the truth. Genesis 8:1 says "GOD [earnestly] remembered Noah and every living thing and all the animals that were with him in the ark." And in Genesis 8:15-16 it says, "God spoke to Noah, saying, 'Go forth from the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives with you.'"

If God really wanted He could have destroyed all mankind and none of us would have been here to know the real or distorted story of Noah!

So see the movie but also go back and read Genesis 8 to Genesis 10 to know the REAL STORY. Here is a link that will take you to the online Amplified Bible - my favorite version of the Bible! Read Genesis 8 to 10 - Amplified Bible
Don't let anyone put wool over your eyes!!! Please go back and check everything that is said so that you don't have to swallow lies and be made a fool of! Knowing the Truth makes a huge difference... it can affect your life on earth and afterwards too. You are precious and your soul is too! 

Take the trouble to know the truth. Please do it for your own sake!

31 March 2014

Let's bring 'Love' back to life!

"I am lonesome on my ownsome.'
Har roz pyaar ka katal hota hai....
par yeh khabar akhbaaron mein nahin aata hai!
(Every day 'love' is murdered but this news never appears in the newspapers!)

There is so much to say on just these two lines!

Like for instance some people are invisible... their pain, their struggles unknown because no one cares for them.
Then there are orphans in families... they have a 'father', 'mother' or relatives but they are just for namesake. Nobody really plays the roles they are meant to play in their lives. And they grow up starved for affection, for love, understanding and acceptance.

Emptiness and worthlessness causes breakdown in people

There are people who work so hard that they make things work in their workplace, but they are neglected, not appreciated, treated like they are not worth anything and finally they go away... feeling worthless, empty and undervalued.

There are some leaders who see true potential but will not encourage because they prefer control over freedom of that person to be all that God meant them to be.

Then there is so much propaganda of love, it is criminal to see that the real thing doesn't exist. There are people who do everything to win a person's heart and then when that person belongs to them, they treat them like trash so much so it breaks their heart, they stop believing in love... and go away into a cold shell unable to trust anyone anymore.

No one wants to suffer... alone
Har roz pyaar ka katal hota hai....
par yeh khabar akhbaaron mein nahin aata hai!
Afsos... :( Pyaar marr gaya.

Can we change this? Can we examine our hearts and become 'human' like we were meant to be... say what we mean and mean what we say? Can we really learn to care, to share, to bless, to encourage, to help, to say kind words to those who are in our lives, our families, our workplaces, our friends and around us???

Why starve others of affection when we know how much we ourselves need it? How many lives would have been better, more fulfilled and meaningful if the 'others' in their lives just simply 'cared'!

Let us change... rebuild our relationships before they fall apart. Reclaim ourselves and all the good we can do... before we are beyond redemption. Wake up! It is time for a change.

08 March 2014

The Code Blue Campaign

We live in a stressful world. Everyone is going through something. There comes a time in a person's life when the pressure is so high that they are not sure they can make it. It is a time when they need the assurance, support and encouragement of their loved ones, their friends or even someone with the heart to help.

A lot of people who reached the brink didn't know they could ask for help and were lost. We can stop that by reaching out to the people in our lives so that they can overcome whatever it is that is holding them down and be helped.

The Code Blue Campaign is for people of all age groups. It is for students who are going through exam pressure, career pressure, parents pressure or even peer pressure. It is for women who have seen trials in their lives and see no hope. It is for men who feel defeated and desolate. It is for elderly people who feel isolated and lonely with no one to care for them.

It is for those who see no meaning in life. It reminds us that we do have a responsibility in the well being of those around us and this gives us a chance to speak 'Life' into their situations and circumstances.

Let us spread the word around! 'Code Blue' means its time to reach out to someone in need. The person may need a listening ear, a prayer, a helping hand or even professional help. Reach out to them and connect to counselors or trained personnel from NGOs if you cannot handle the matter. But reach out. Your timely help can save someone's life!

The Code Blue Campaign was launched in Hyderabad and a group named 'Youth Alive' provided counselling for those in dire situations. The Deccan Chronicle carried a report about the campaign and soon there were calls coming in from different parts of the Twin cities. There were days when more than 500 calls were received. The Sakshi Newspaper also shared about this campaign and soon calls came in from various districts of AP (at that time it was united!) The campaign went on well during the time that the students were awaiting results and under pressure. After that period there was a decrease in the calls coming in.

Code Blue Campaign can be a boon to people anywhere as its basic idea is to have two words to enable a person to express the greatest trauma they are going through at that time. Anyone should never have to suffer alone. A person who is pushed into a corner and isolated during the worst grief or suffering tends to feel suicidal. He or she feels worthless and unwanted. CBC is an effort to ensure someone at that point in their life can reach out to someone sympathetic who will give them a listening ear and help them through that difficult time in their life.

Here is a link to the lyrics of a song that I wrote that appeals to a person who is feeling suicidal to not take their life.

Check out the Facebook page of Code Blue Campaign...

The article about Code Blue Campaign that appeared in the Deccan Chronicle, Hyderabad.

Code Blue Campaign written about in Sakshi Newspaper

26 February 2014

Turn the Page

You’ve lingered on this page
for too long.
There is nothing more written here
Move on.

Image from Internet - by Cliparea
Turn the Page! 
Turn the page
Start a new chapter
Go to the next level
Your journey will continue
From there.

A full stop is an end
The end of the line.
Your story doesn’t end
With the full stop on this page
It takes on a new form
Turn the page!

As you move towards your destiny
Adventure beckons you
Dormant dreams will come to life.
The things that confined you
Will not hold you back anymore.
They will be left behind
In the previous chapter!

Your heart has grown weary
With waiting I know...
Is it ever going to happen?
You wonder.
A refreshing is right around the corner
It will rekindle your hope
Don’t worry!

Just turn the page
Let it go
The chapters before are just a setting
To unfold the climax of your life.
You too will not believe it
If it were told you
What the Writer has written for you.

05 January 2014

Memories of a song! - 'To be where You want me to be'

Years ago when I was in Nirmala Niketan, College of Social Work, the Daughters of the Heart of Mary (they are the missionaries that started our college) celebrated their bi-centennary. Dr. Hazel D'Lima, our Principal had asked me to write a song to portray the situation of women and I wrote and composed "Wake up my sister!". It was then that I had the first experience of a recording studio. I had no idea about the intricacies of recordings... it was a learning experience for me. 

I lent my voice for the kuchcha recording of my song "Wake up my sister!" and it was Aarti Rao whose voice was recorded for the final version. It was beautiful! I got to act out that part on stage during the show we put up for the occasion... Etienne Coutinho had directed and worked out a great show... there were 9 screens put together and it was mind-blowing!!! I also met a good friend Satyam Tripathy there for the first time, he was assisting Etienne for the show. 

But what stayed with me is this song... it was made based on the words of the Foundress of DHM, Adelaide de Cicรฉ. Leon D'Souza who had done awesome work with the music for my song too, he composed and prepared this song. 

I just love the lyrics... it is so meaningful, so beautiful reflecting a heart that is surrendered to God. Over the years I look back and see, I hope that I can really live like this. It is a beautiful anthem for anyone who truly wants to live for God, live like Jesus and love like Him!!! 

I wish I had the soundtrack of this song to share with you... I tried getting it, but couldn't! :( I feel sad that a treasure like this song cannot be shared. I hope they locate the sound recording of this and upload it for the whole world to hear! 

Here are the lyrics of the song...  

To be where You want me to be

To be where You want me to be
To be put where You want to place me
To be the leaven in my Father’s dough
I must open wide my own soul!

Yes Lord! Be it done unto me
Yes Lord! Let it be done unto me!
To be where You want me to be
Yes Lord! Be it done unto me.

You have called me to love all people
To provide the wind beneath their wings
To shatter the chains that bind them
To set the Living Word free!!!

So they can be what You want them to be
From within me let Your love flow
So around around me all will learn to soar
Yes Lord! Be it done unto me!

   ~ Written by Adelaide de Cicรฉ, the Foundress of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary
   ~ Composed by Leon D’Souza